Westlake Hostas ProfileThe Hosta Gardens of Forrest Johnson are located on a shady one-acre lot where I live with my dogs the Zelicaon Papillons. Hostas were first introduced in 1987 in preparation for "something to do" after I retired One of the first major purchases included $27.00 paid for H. ‘Sum and Substance’ from Klehm’s Nursery. After serious addiction set in, it is not unusual to spend four times that much for a cultivar that seems impossible to live without. I have learned to limit my new purchases to the cultivars that are not only popular with other growers but those that have good substance, are good growers, and have leaf and flower characteristics that blend in with my gardens. I do buy tissue culture plants to grow and to sell after they have good root systems and size. I like to buy older adult plants for my landscaping designs. When one approaches 70, we don’t want to wait for the T. C. plants to mature. The gardens feature a large pond and waterfall located off the south end of the deck and patio area. Hostas, Japanese Maples and annuals have been planted around this area. Seven large Koi enjoy the filtered water system that helps keep them healthy and happy. Under water lights add to the enjoyment of watching them on warm summer evenings. The gardens were open for designated "Gardens Walks" in 1999. In preparation for these tours, we added a "Dwarf Hosta Bed" that boasts such tiny Hostas as ‘Pandora’s Box’, ‘Masquerade’, and ‘Shiny Penny’ among others. Four other new beds were planted in the fall of 1998 to enhance the overall look of the gardens. Although I have over 300 different cultivars at the moment, the gardens are young so some of the Hostas have not yet reached their full potential. Cultivars, such as Pulmonaria, Heuchera, Woodland Poppy, varieties of Fern, Ligularia, and Solomon’s Seal are added periodically which include companion plants that enhance and compliment the genus Hosta. I do enjoy visitors coming to see the gardens, but I also appreciate a call ahead of time. Although I spend many hours a day in the gardens, I also have another life so I'm not always home. Give me a call and I’ll make every effort to welcome you and talk about Hostas. Contact InformationTelephone: 563.381.2588 Postal address: 11145 - 141st Street, Davenport, IA 52804 Electronic mail: forrestjohnson@mchsi.com |